Quickbooks: How to Export Purchase Orders to Suppliers from DC

  • Updated

Follow these steps to export your Purchase Orders to Suppliers in a QuickBooks supported file format:

  1. Click Orders in the left side menufile-SWgbIF1gMX.png
  2. Select QuickBooks File Export in the menu items that appear under Orders
    The Download Invoices / Purchase Orders to QuickBooks page will open:file-xZtnkkZdsx.png

  3. Configure the export settings as needed: 
    1. Select "Invoices to Customers" in the Download menufile-3DchFCWZlK.png
    2. Next, define the invoices you'd like to export
      1. if you'd like to export multiple Customer Invoices within a specific date range: Select the start date & end date you would like to export Customer Invoices from
        (You can only export one month at a time, so be sure to check these dates each time you export files to prevent duplicates in QuickBooks) file-gubaEC3krq.png
      2. If you'd like to export just one Customer Invoices: Enter the DC Order Number in the Download Invoice / Purchase Order fieldfile-jdEvicM85t.png
    3. Select whether you'd like to use a Generic QuickBooks Item Number or the Original Item Number
      1. We recommend you use "Yes - Uses 'DCITEM' as Item Number" to prevent QuickBooks from generating a new item number for each item shown on your invoices and to group all DC invoicesfile-Bj1zoLz7Zx.png
      2. If you'd like to use the exact DC item number, then select "No - Uses Original Item Number" and a new item will be created for each product within an imported invoice
        (Consequently your existing items could items be overwritten and you will eventually meet the limit for number of items that QuickBooks allows)file-zxctmGC2r1.png
    4. If needed, update the Accounts Receivable Account field to match your QuickBooks account (default is "ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE")
      Note: This only needs changed if you use a different accounts receivable account within QuickBooksfile-wCDzRkGNiC.png
    5. If needed, update the Sales Account (Invoice line items) to match your QuickBooks account (default is "SALES")
      Note: This only needs changed if you use a different sales account within QuickBooksfile-PCRG4jA2UG.png
    6. If needed, update the Sales Account (Items added to item list) (default is "SALES")
      Note: This only needs changed if you use a different sales account within QuickBooks file-tE0CypxVo9.png
  4. After configuring your export settings click Submitfile-z92yA1UNQo.png
  5. On the next page, right click the QuickBooks icon
  6. Choose "Save Link As" 
  7. Save the .iif file to your computer so you can import it into your QuickBooks account later


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