Sales Tax: How to Turn Off Sales Tax Calculations on Your Website

  • Updated

By default, your DC website has tax calculations turned on. Here's how to turn off sales tax calculations on your DistributorCentral website. 

  1. While logged into DistributorCentral, click the Websites menu to the leftfile-pZ4Of1SXu6.png

  2. Next, choose Hosting Managerfile-WQQvtE0FPQ.png

  3. In your accounts Hosting Manger, click Manage to the right of your website (This will load your website manager)

  4. In your website manager, click Preferences to the left of the Edit buttonfile-VHUxatjjn4.png

  5. Click Taxes (1) in the left preferences category boxfile-oyMFyjbS1C.png

  6. Click No under "Do you wish to collect tax on orders automatically?"file-tb0q7SC1W7.png

  7. Click Save to save your changesfile-MtmZMpExRA.png

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