When you setup your payment processor for use within DistributorCentral, by default, your customers' credit cards are only authorized when an order is placed on your website. This is to ensure that orders placed on your site include a valid credit card and allows you to look over the order before settling the transaction. After the payment has been authorized, you can manually settle the payment. (collect the authorized funds)
To settle payments manually follow these steps:
- Look up the order up that you would like to settle a payment for. Learn how to search for orders here >>
- From the Order Summary page, scroll down to the Invoice to Customer section.
- If you haven't already, click the green Create Customer Invoice button to the right.
- Once the invoice is created, find the Payments section.
- Click the (pending) link to the right of the "LAST:" payment details
- On the next screen click the Charge Card link next to the authorize amount
- From the Order Payments page, review the payment details before clicking the Submit Payment button to the bottom right.
- You should receive a message saying the transaction was complete.
- If you receive a "Transaction Declined" message, ensure all the payment details are correct. You should receive further reasoning for the payment declining below.
- Some processors require CVV codes to be entered for every transaction, if your processor requires this, you will need to contact your customer for the CVV number to complete the payment.
- If you receive a "Invalid API Key.." message ensure your payment processing is setup correctly by verifying the API within your payment processing account & in DistributorCentral.
- Your customer's payment has now been settled for this order.
Note: To settle a transaction is to actually collect the money from the customer's payment account.