Once your payment processing account is active, and you have it configured in your DistributorCentral account, you may record a few test payments to ensure the setup is working. Here's how:
- To start, set your payment processor to test mode if possible.
- Place a test order on your DistributorCentral website using a test credit card as the payment type. (e.g. Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111 Exp: any date in the future, CVV 123)
- Complete the order and make sure the transaction completes without any errors.
- From your DistributorCentral portal, find the new order to manually settle the payment >>
- Once you've settled the payment, you should have received a message that the credit card was approved meaning your account was configured correctly for use with DistributorCentral.
- If you receive an error message, determine what may have been causing the issue (verify everything was entered correctly) by entering the information correctly and trying again.
- Set your account into production (normal) mode through your merchant account setup once you've completed testing.