Testing Payment Setup

  • Updated

Once your payment processing account is active, and you have it configured in your DistributorCentral account, you may record a few test payments to ensure the setup is working. Here's how:

  1. To start, set your payment processor to test mode if possible.
  2. Place a test order on your DistributorCentral website using a test credit card as the payment type. (e.g. Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111 Exp: any date in the future, CVV 123)
  3. Complete the order and make sure the transaction completes without any errors.
  4. From your DistributorCentral portal, find the new order to manually settle the payment >> 
  5.  Once you've settled the payment, you should have received a message that the credit card was approved meaning your account was configured correctly for use with DistributorCentral.
    1. If you receive an error message, determine what may have been causing the issue (verify everything was entered correctly) by entering the information correctly and trying again. 
  6. Set your account into production (normal) mode through your merchant account setup once you've completed testing.

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