How to Set a Reorder Reminder Date on an Order

  • Updated

Set the date that an order should be reordered

  1. While l logged into DC, find the order you're adding a reorder date to and open the order's summary
    How to Find an Order in DC
  2. From the Order Summary, locate the Customer Orderfile-abbJwf79oP.png

  3. In the Customer Order, find Reorder Reminder Date under Status to Customerfile-A7rO4LJo6s.png

  4. Enter the order's reorder date here
  5. Click Set Datefile-s41iQIWsEB.png

  6. Once set, the reorder date will stay populated in the date field and above it next to "Reorder Reminder Date:"

file-PdSYcDLDuQ.pngBy default, this order will appear in your reorder reminder list 30 days before and after the date you've set
Learn how to change the date span for your reorder reminder list

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