How to Send Reorder Emails Individually

  • Updated

Here's how to send Reorder emails to your customers one-by-one.

  1. While l logged into DC click Orders in the left menufile-8OuFqRJ03I.png

  2. Select Send Reorder Reminders (the Send Reorders page will load)file-kVGkWWOxyM.png

  3. Customize the email message if neededfile-2h4BDY9mZq.png

  4. Scroll down to the Reorders to Send section to view all reorders to view all reorders that are ready to be sent to customersfile-ShjlULcAxF.png

  5. All reorders are selected by default, deselect all reorders by clicking the checkbox next to "Send Reminder?" file-paJOl4yKmT.png

  6. Then click the checkbox to the left of the order to select itfile-Crlzg68jzb.png

  7. With your order, click Send Reorder Emails to send email notification to your customer!file-LRncR4YkPC.png

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