How to Send Reorder Emails in Bulk

  • Updated

Here's how to send Reorder emails to multiple customers at one time.

  1. While l logged into DC click Orders in the left menufile-8OuFqRJ03I__2_.png

  2. Select Send Reorder Reminders (the Send Reorders page will load)file-kVGkWWOxyM__2_.png

  3. Customize the email message if neededfile-2h4BDY9mZq__1_.png

  4. Scroll down to the Reorders to Send section to view all reorders to view all reorders that are ready to be sent to customersfile-ShjlULcAxF__2_.png

  5. All reorders are selected by default, if there are any reorders that you do not want to send deselect them now
  6. Then, click Send Reorder Emails to send email notification to your customers!file-LRncR4YkPC__1_.png

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