How to Change the Website Used for a Customer Reorder Email

  • Updated

Here's how to change the website that your customer is sent to when they click the "Place Your Order Today!" email included in the reorder emails.

  1. While l logged into DC click Orders in the left menufile-8OuFqRJ03I__3_.png

  2. Select Send Reorder Reminders (the Send Reorders page will load)file-kVGkWWOxyM__3_.png

  3. Scroll down to the Reorders to Send section to view all reorders to view all reorders that are ready to be sent to customersfile-ShjlULcAxF__3_.png

  4. Find the order you need to update the website for

  5. Then to the right of your order find the "Choose the website for logo and customer reorder link" columnfile-V11OOunw16.png

  6. Lastly, click the dropdown in the column to change the website before sending your reorder emailfile-tbGlwJrLym.png

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