How to Bulk Upload Addresses to an Order

  • Updated

Do you have several addresses to add to an order? If so, try DC's convenient text-file address upload and eliminate the manual entry associated with multiple ship-to orders. 
By formatting your address information into a tab-delimited text file, you can simply upload your file, validate your addresses, and quickly save your entire list of shipping addresses to your order.

Step 1: Format your address data

DistributorCentral's shipping file upload accepts a tab-delimited text file. 

To create a tab-delimited text file that contains your list of address data:

  1. Format the data in a spreadsheet program (e.g., MS Excel)
  2. Save the file as a tab-delimited text (.txt) file. 

Within the data, be sure to specify things like...

  • Customer name
  • Address (street, city, st, zip)
  • Requested ship date/in-hands date
  • Quantities of each product shipping to the various addresses (if desired) 


Start by downloading our sample Excel file template.

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Spreadsheet details & Samples

The fields used in this template are Company Name, ContactAddress 1, Address 2CitySt, ZipPhoneCountryRequested Ship DateIn Hands DateShip CommentsShipMethodThirdPartyBillingThirdPartyZip, ShipmentValue.\

Company Name Contact Address 1 Address 2 City
St    Zip    Phone     Saturday Delivery  Standard Overnight 

All column headers MUST BE PRESENT in the tab-delimited file to ensure that all data is imported into the correct fields, however, you are not required to have data in all of the sample spreadsheet's columns.

Sample shipping method values for UPS:

2nd Day Air 2nd Day Air AM 3 Day Select Express Service Ground Next Day Air Next Day Air Early AM
Next Day Air Saver Next Morning Saturday Delivery Second Morning Worldwide Expedited Worldwide Express Worldwide Express Plus

Sample shipping method values for FedEx:

2 Day Express Saver First Overnight  Freight Ground
International Economy International Priority,  Priority Overnight   Saturday Delivery  Standard Overnight 

Optional columns for  Qty Item 1, Qty Item 2, Qty Item 3, etc., have also been included.
(These fields are used to configure specific quantities of each item on the order going to the various addresses to be uploaded.)

Note: You can either leave the header row (column titles) in your data or remove them. If you leave the headers in your data be sure to click the "My data has a header row" option when uploading your file.


Note: Once you have filled out the address data (either manually in Excel, or by exporting it from another system), save the data as a tab-delimited text file. It can't be accepted as an Excel file

Step 2: Upload your data

On the shipping page of your order, you will see " Shipping to multiple addresses? Try our text file upload." section toward the bottom of the page. 

To upload your data follow these steps:

  1. Click the plus sign to expand the "address upload" section under the "Shipping to multiple addresses?" sections. file-gBksUvuc4K.png

  2. Click Choose Filefile-GY22zF4yeD.png

  3. Select & open the file on your computer
  4. Click "Upload List"file-GY22zF4yeD__1_.png

Step 3: Validate your data

If your data is formatted properly you should see the validation screen (if your data was not accepted, please check your data and formatting and try uploading your file again).

Now that your data has bee uploaded, validate each address and the quantity of each item that is going to each address. As you click through each of your addresses you may see warnings like

  • "no exact address match found"
  • "possible matches found"
  • "requested ship date is less than estimated ship date",
  • ...etc.

Validate your data:

  1. Modify the address, select from one of the suggested addresses or the "use my address anyway" option as needed
  2. Update item quantities as needed
  3. Then click Save Address at the bottom of the shipping instructions section.

Once you have entered your addresses you will have the ability to edit each individual address (or remove addresses) - just use the edit/delete buttons next to each validated address.

Step 4: Save

Once you have uploaded your file and validated each address, simply save and finish entering your order. When you get to the confirmation page you will see that your list of addresses has been added to the order just as if you had entered each address manually.

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