How to Search for a Product

  • Updated
  1. Once logged into your DC account, locate the Product Search box at the top of your page
  2. Enter in a keyword(s) or item number in the text field
  3. Once you have entered a keyword(s), you will automatically see the top 3 products in a drop-down
  4. Click on one of the items to view more details, or click the Show all results for... link
  5. The search will load all products related to the keyword(s) entered

From the product search page you can:

  1. Filter and edit your search even further. 
    1. DistributorCentral's faceted search allows you to filter by category, min. qty, price range, supplier, product color & more
  2. Click on the Quick View button to view further details
  3. Click the Add to List button to create a group of products to email or quote to your customer

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