How to Save a Search

  • Updated

Apply any combination of search criteria and save it once to make it available to load as a starting point when researching product later.

  1. In your distributor dashboard, click Products menu in the left menu
  2. In the options that appear below, click Product Search
  3. On the Product Search page, start applying search criteria to filter your search by (add a keyword, apply a production time filter, select suppliers, etc.)
  4. Once you've added your search criteria, click the Save This Search button found to the left under the Refine Your Search keyword field
  5. In the Save Search window that appears, under Save New Search, name your search
    1. If you would like to make this search available to all users in your account, check the box under the Save New Search name field labeled Make this search available to all account users
  6. Lastly, click the Save button


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