Distributors: Turn the Website Ordering Off

  • Updated

Customize the capabilities of your website by turning the website's ordering function off. Here's how: 

  1. While logged into your DistributorCentral dashboard, click the Websites option in the left side menu
  2. Click Hosting Manager in the drop down options 
  3. On the Hosting page that show your website list, click the Manage button to the right of the website you want to change
  4. When the website details load on the next page, click the Preferences link next to the Edit button
  5. On the website preferences page click Orders (17) in the option box to the left of the available preferences
  6. In the Orders(17) preferences, find the "Display Order button on your website?" preference
  7. Click No underneath
  8. Click the Save button to save your changes

Your website will now have the Order button deactivated. 


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