How to Find the Supplier of a Product

  • Updated

Once you've found a product in DistributorCentral you can view full product details, including the supplier and their contact information.

  1. Start by entering the product number into the product search field at the top of your dashboard
  2. Hit enter on your keyboard to start your search
  3. When the product appears in your search results, you can see the supplier name under the product number and pricing summary. 

To find full contact details for the supplier, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the product to reveal the Quick View button
  2. Click on Quick View to open the details summary of the product details
  3. In the Quick View window you will find the supplier name to the right of the Supplier row heading
  4. Click on the supplier name for full supplier contact details and a quick Request More information form

TIP: Let your supplier's know where you found their product and thank them for providing you with product research, order management, and an ecommerce website solution. 

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