Copy Supplier Products - Company Stores

  • Updated

DistributorCentral has a new tool that will copy supplier products in DistributorCentral and place them into your custom fulfillment account. Using this tool will simplify your workload when adding custom products, while also keeping the best product information up to date.

This tool is accessed from within your fulfillment account by going to   Products > Advanced Features  > Copy Supplier Products 

To copy a product you will need the supplier name and the item number from the DistributorCentral database. Using the supplier name and item number allows the system to search the database for a match, and return the copy of the product into your fulfillment account product list where you can make changes to the product data that was originally setup by the supplier. 

Before copying the product, you can choose what data to copy in the case that you don't want everything from the supplier. You can choose from the following: 

  • Copy Product Pricing
  • Copy Product Images
  • Copy Option & Choice Information (Note: We recommend creating your own Options and Choices especially with Apparel type of items.  Check out Creating Custom Products to learn more)

If you are unsure of what information you need, as a rule of thumb, it's better to have more data copied, than not enough. You can always remove optional data and other information from a product in your account, but if you do not have the options or other information you need, you will have to spend time setting them up manually.

NOTE: The product is just a "copy" of the existing supplier product, so it is no longer tied to the supplier once it is in your account. This means that you will be responsible for keeping the product information up to date because supplier pricing updates will not automatically occur on the products in your account. 

To copy a product: 

  1. Select the supplier of the product in the "Supplier Account:" drop-down
  2. Enter the item number into the "Item Number:" field, exactly as it is found in DistributorCentral 
  3. If applicable, enter in the style number in the "Style Number:" field
  4. Under the "DATA TO COPY" section, choose what information you want to pull into your account
  5. Click Submit 
  6. The system will take a moment to locate, copy, and add the product data to your fulfillment account
  7. Once the product is added, you will be taken to a new page where you can choose to Edit the Product or Return to Form and add more products 
  8. When all of you products are added, you can access the new products by going to Products > Add/Edit Products to go to your Product editor

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